Sunday, August 11, 2013

1/30 Things: 20 Randoms

It's in my nature - but I try *really* hard not
to be truly narcissistic (bonus fact!)
I ran across a cute little blog while obsessively clicking on links on Pinterest today – Hopes and Dreams. I clicked through a few posts, envying the picture perfect people and their picture perfect life until I ran across a 30 Things post. Basically, you answer a question about yourself on this list every day for 30 days. This is something doable for me as I am both looking for material to blog about and am excessively narcissistic.

So, here is day one: List 20 random facts about yourself. As a disclaimer…there will likely be no rhyme or reason to this list so please forgive me if it goes a little off the rails.

1. I have grey eyes. I used to be really disappointed that I didn’t have bright blue eyes or pretty green eyes, but at this point I actually like them. How many people do you know that have grey eyes? Probably not that many.

2. My first concert was Def Leppard. I think I was 10. No, I was not a fan.

I love that the one guy is wearing, like, pantaloons and
his girlfriend's shirt. 

3. I have a weird sock obsession. I always wear mismatched socks, and they are always obnoxious colors and prints. I have done this since I was a teenager.

4. I have PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It makes my life hell and complicates every aspect of my health; but I am finding ways to overcome it. There is no cure.

5. I am a dog person, but I love animals in general. I have and will always prefer dogs – big dogs. Right now I have a husky (as I have mentioned) and a pitbull.

6. I need music. If I really need to get something done, I need music to do so. Cooking, cleaning, schoolwork, blog writing…music will push me through it.

7. I don’t drive. I used to drive but I lost my license. Long story.

8. I haven’t cut my hair in 16 years. Another long story. It had to do with a traumatizing hospital incident.

Holy shit! He is really, really naked! 
9. I read historical romances. What can I say? I wish I did not like them, but I do! I read plenty of other things that have actual substance, but I do love a good cheesy period romance.

10. I am an artist of sorts. I have made jewelry, drawings, paintings, candles, soaps, and lots of random things. I love to create but need a safe space to do so.

11. My first “real” relationship was with someone twice my age. I was 16…he was 36. We met on the Internet on AOL chat. I was online dating pervs before it was cool!

12. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I am a senior in college and I am not totally sure I am on the right track. I guess I’ll figure it out one day.

13. I had all four wisdom teeth and another tooth pulled at once with no sedative. I’m fuckin’ hardcore. If I had known about how painful it was going to be for the next month I would have just suffered with the toothaches, I think.

14. I used to collect tons of incense and candles. I ALWAYS had candles and/or incense burning in my room when I was younger. I think I set my hair on fire leaning over my dresser once…

15. I was raised, primarily, by my grandmother. I do not regret this. I love my parents very much but I don’t think I could have had a better childhood outside of my mamow’s house.

16. I have several unfinished novels. One is actually about my grandmother.

17. I got beat up for the first time in 1st grade – by two 8th grade boys. I then got punished by my principle for “lying” about it.

In retrospect, I was a miniature, female Tyler Durden
back then...except I got the crap beat out of me and
it wasn't on purpose. 

18. I sleep with 8 full sized pillows. I use each one at certain times in the night as I toss and turn.

19. I have one older half-brother who is 10 years older than me. He lives in a nursing home and I have not seen him in almost 2 years.

20. I was a tattoo and body piercing apprentice – it was my dream. I eventually learned that it was not for me, but that, again, is a long story.

I saw waaaaay too much of this shit. 

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